On 23rd february 2013, the annual Children's Party is being held again at Thean Hau temple, robinson height at Seputeh area. This year, the main sponsors are Persatuan Hainan WP & Selangor and China Press.
What usually happen is those associations which takes care of orphans or from children's home or diabled children will be celebrated. There are food, entertainment like clowns, singing, magic show and donation giving ceremony. Yang best, ang pow giving time. a lot leyyy...this year, Oya got RM207. thanks u uncles and aunties.:-)
Oya and Nabil. Besties |
Seronok naik bas |
Nyanyi karaoke.. |
ang pow siap ada nombor leyyy |
the food and etc etc |
Siap jalan2 kat Bukit Gasing lagi kejap...sebab balik tuh jam amat...adeh..
tapi disebalik kegembiraan, surat hari neh membuat aku hanya tersenyum tawar.
Kami masih bersyukur. cuma kadang2 bila terasa hak kita dipermainkan, rasa macam nak jadik srikandi la plak. haiyaaaaaaarkkk.
This letter is from SCASFT (Oya's school) to JKM. One of the agendas is to state that the welfare grant is taken out from the maintenance grant. Mind you, SCASFT is NGO. We only pay RM50 per annum and the rest depends on the donations drive.
Transport subsidy.
If if i send Oya to school EVERYDAY, i will only get RM120.00. Our own insurance some more whereas normal school children on school bus are covered by insurance automatically.
Don;t get me wrong. I am happy for the insurance-bus
thingy but is our disabled child not worth it?
Special schools are not available everywhere like the national schools. Even if they have special education classes, they are limited and with conditions like must be able to walk or operate their own wheelchair.
and 19 years old tak dapat allowance? we are talking about OKU okay...kalau yang bo;leh bekerja they will tapi yang tak boleh?
What happens to Children like Oya? Don't she and her friends whom are not able to walk (yet) and needs assistance deserve education? so sampai bila2 dorang mcm tuh la? tak layak masuk main stream?
In centres like SCASFT, i do not need to be there (i can;t afford to quit work also). They have class assistants who will take care of the children (tukar pampers, bagi makan, etc). That's why yang lebih 18 tahun pun masih bersekolah kat sini sebab ada latihan vokasional dsb.
But these centres need fund to operate.
So, without the government grant, how?
Belum lagi aku cakap pasal monthly allowance. Belanja for OKU kid is double from normal kid.
So imagine what you are earning now and the spending on your child. Now, at least kali dua lorrr..
boleh kau tanggung?
alhamdulillah. so far rezeki Oya dan Adam mencukupi. aku amat bersyukur.
Cuma aku kesian kat kawan2 yang mana rezeki belum mencukupi.
Tapi kami bukan peminta sedekah. Kami akan cuba memenuhi keperluan anak syurga kami walau kadang2 berkorban.
Anyway, selamat berbelanja dengan duit BRIM anda.