Monday, September 17, 2007

Buka Puasa @ 15th Sept

above pics were my satisfied customers...ahaks...................

Mee kari @Curry Mee ...i totally whipped it up on my own k. It wasn't as hard as i thot yeah, now that i know. From the perspective of someone who never even tried to cook Mee Kari, yes, it is a lil harder at first since you'll be wondering what on earth would you dunk in the gravy since it looks "crowded".. Well, after trying, try asking the same Qs again and you'll be amazed how terer you are at cooking.
As usual, hubby would eat anything i cook but i can expect 2 comments from him - either good or ................, means it's bad and he won't take bite. Next dish was Sayur Lodeh@Vegetables in Coconut Milk can someone verify this..wakaka..also not as hard as i thought. best eaten with Ketupat/nasi impit, i paired it with ketupat nasi adabi. don't have the time to anyam the ketupat, don't we + i don't even have a clue how to anyam one.
for appetizers + dessert, i made cocktail caramel & bubur kacang hijau. couldn't test whether the taste was ok so i made adam taste the food for me. his reaction "bolela....but sugar dah ok", ok, as long as it's sweet enough...what's kacang hijau in english..dung bean? green bean?
my guests of the day were Lee Na & Lin. i told them not to buy food from ramadhan bazaar and that was excatly what they did. well, they did take some of it home..
i'm so looking forward whipping up new menus...maybe next weekend...

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