Saturday - Feb 28th.
Wah...semangat. woke up early for the paintball thingy eventhough hubby not here (3D2N @ LUmut for company outing...damn!!!).
It all begun on Thurday, 26th Feb, 2pm. Luke skywalker from Paintball Valley@ Taman Pertanian Malaysia came and gave us briefing on the paintball session we're gonna have on sat.
So, Jay picked me up at the bus stop along the Fed Hiway nearby the Setia Jaya Komuter Station. Easier than driving all the way to my flat. A good thing though, by the time i reached his previous 2nd half, i am already all warmed up and charged!! anyway, so sorry for my tardiness..heheh...bangun awal but the tv cartoon show was good lar...muahahah...
so, off we go to pick up Peter @ the office and sprinted to Taman Bukit Cerakah. It was about 8++am when we reached there and most of the people are already there. But hey, the park is supposedly opens at 9am right? then why ask people to come at 8? Ya lar...we all know Malaysians are so typical ..but statistically we all do arrive 1/2 hour late than the specified date..but rarely 1 hour..and pity those who really come before 8am...what we can do? Ask them who came later pay by themselves la (the entrance fee)..happened to Kumar & En Rafran (maybe they can claim later?)..or if the journey is jauuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh....call them 15 mins after the designated time. and after 30mins WITHOUT any response or valid reason ("on the way" is qite valid la), leave em la..what..think other people got nothing else better to do ka? Like last time when i was the OC for the Teambuilding @ Perak, there was 1 girl who's tardiness was so irritating...30mins after 8am, she was "on the way"..after 15mins interval still no sign of her and there wasn't any , at least, sms of her whereabouts..i already setup mymind and was discussing with the driver to leave her when she showed up!! talking about manners....urghh....
anyway, we managed to go in at..i forgot to look at the time and got on a bus...vroom vroom and behold, the HQ of Paintball Valley @ Taman Pertanian Malaysia. This place is a homebase for DELTA group and also for Rejimen 66. They have 7 paintball fields and we had the opportunity to play at Arcadia, Scorpion's Nest and...the filed where we had to take control of the tower for 5-minutes. haha. We started with breakfast first and of course, cannot expect the food to be of restaurant or atleast mamak rest level la..this is junle for god's sake and roti, sardines, baked beans, kaya, jam are good enough already. what were you expecting? French toast? Then after waiting, final briefing about the rules and safety (which will be forgotten in the fields when the adrenaline rushed in) and groups were segregated. I was in Bravo group along with Lokman, Faizol, Fiza, Yatie, Syed Idris, and ..hmm..who else...

The first Game:
Arcadia field...similar to those we see in the padang ie. padang utara, subang, but with uneven jungle floor, and cardboards as bunkers..Alpha vs Bravo and i didn't know the enemy was in fornt of me coz i didn't recognize him (Nik)..hahaha...buduh..i was shot at the right wrist by Kamales. My gun was jammed ...damn...i think Alpha won. Each side got flag and to win the team has to raise the opponent's team..

2nd Game:
Bravo vs C..what was C name again? this time @ scorpions's nest. This was where you got the jungle feel. Of course there were bunkers. The best parts were:
1. Syed, lokman and i were bersembunyi behind the same bunker when the bullets came like monsoon rain. haha.
2. Yatie's gun was jammed and the marshall tried to fix it and gave Lokman a headshot indtead..haha
3. During both times, my gun was jammed @ out of gas and so does 4 others...how to play? mencik!!! C group got the flag, i think laa...i saw nafisah behind the bunker and her tudung gave her away...but cannot get a clean shot since they were saved by the net..cesss...
4. During the above, the Marshall angrily shouted at the C group for firing when our group were down due to technical problem..azhar kot? hehhe (panas panas!!!)
In this game, the flag will be put at the centre and both teams has to grab it first come first serve.
3rd game:
Bravo vs Delta
This was where we all had to try to capture the tower and hold it for 5 minutes to win. I was running towards the tower and after 50m from the post, my pellet container fell!!!! bodoh kan...so what it's not like i can kutip the pellets..so i went back to the HQ and got another canister..one of the marshall gave a stupid remark " TU LAH..LARI2 LAGI...KAN DAH JATUH" oi b@$#@#....memang la lari..then waht? jalan???? my reply was sumthing like " APAHAL PLAK...ORG YG BUAT MAINTENANCE TAK BETUL LA..TAK KETAT KAN CANISTER"...senyap after that...buduh...
this time Hanizah's group was aggresive..and yet we managed to capture the tower...after sometime i was tired...couldn't find a good spot and since Syed has consumated all his pellets, i gave mine to him...and relax kat post...nga ng nga......
Then, finish...i shower and lunch la after that...maybe everybody was eager to leave or simply tired...but there was no closing and the group photo didn't consists of everyone..next time, pls do this..very2 important...why? then group's objectives are not achieved la...arrive as a team, leave as a team..but what can i say..maybe everyone was simply tired...
and i pulak regret coz x managed to take photos of more interesting things, people, places during the games...blur kot masa tuh...
anyway, thanks to Transwater Management and Kamales for organising such outings...if there's next time, i urged others to join...but not me kot..hehe..not my forte la...kalay Skytrex lain cerita (also in Bukit Cerakah), abseling, panjat2, wall climbing, trekking, bring it on bebeh!!!
sapa nk tgk photos of the place, google la..
1 comment:
till today i still havent try it yet
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