Wednesday, September 5, 2007

nak demam ke tak?

mcm nak demam. dah 4 hari aku sakit kepala tp aku tahan sebab masih buli tahan. tp mlm ni rasa lembik sgt. ni pun blog dr atas katil sambil baring sambil tgk CSI Vegas. hUH...mmg best. CSI mmg fave aku ranking from CSI Vegas, Miami then NY. Maybe sebab Grissom & team on air dulu kot. Grissom is so cool, Catherine symbolises women's power, Sarah is genius at its best, Warrick is macho and Stokes gives the impression of a brat who worked hard enuff to be where he is today. and the love story btw Gil & Sarah? romantic in its own way. "This is about brain &brawn" is the comment for tonight as Sarah thinks Hannah planned the murder and did it. wutever. argh. sakit kepala. mcm mana nk baik klu i can't even calm this messy head of mine. when my head is cloudy, i could even wear baju terbalik pegi kerja. tgk nih ha. klu org kat pantry x tegur on that faithful morning, i wud be wearing baju terbalik for longer.ok.out

1 comment:

Khairul Anwar said...

adehlaa siss,sampai terbalik ka itu baju??huhuhu..mesti u penat btul ni kan..


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