Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

i am indeed bubbly..not bubble la you @#$#%#@#@!.....erm...ok...
why diediemustdo? because:
  1. at that point of time, u have no other idea.
  2. at that point of time, apart from point no.1, i was thinking about office, in which "diediemustdo" is a common work instruction...translation: wutever it takes to accomplish your target i.e. RM2Mil per month; get insider info, submit quote on time; get PO before end of financial month, etc.
  3. i must find something other than my usual names...i tried putting in my real baby said "no ma, ,my fellow colleagues in babyland will know that my mom has a blog and she puts in her real name"...
well.....actually i just got back from Securicor, i wasn't there to hire ', i wasn't there to plan the next durians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....OMG, good catch indeed...couldn't find a space to bunk and so we just stood there (at the counter!!!) and had a fabolous time....

ow and my baby progress?? i think i'd better get used to my contact lenses again..she's grabbing my spec all the time.......hengat free apa spec haku ni...yukyukyuk...

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