Tuesday, July 31, 2007

my lil gem...

This is Sofiya @ 5 mnths old, 25th July 2007. looks sexy in her tube, ain't she?? hikhik....Alhamdulillah, she seems to progress normally. I'm still crossing my fingers though, as docs have advised me to patiently wait until she's at least 2 years old. Why? now it's too early to determine whether or not she's erm...erk..lacking in whatever babies normally achieve at her age...of course i would give anything in the world to give her a normal life..but let's face it, if she is destined to develop later than normal babies would, i hope i would have the strength to teach her and give her the love the deserved. and Ya Allah, please erase any anger that i may have in me. As of today, she seems normal to me. The last appointment with the Physiotherapist went well. She has no doubt that Sofiya wud be a normal baby except that just in case her diagnosis is wrong, "dia lambat sikit je"..that was her remarks...i was elated and was in a very good mood for the whole week...

after 4-5 years of waiting, finally we managed to conceive her. pls dun blame us if we pamper her too much...hehe..and er..dun get me wrong..we still luv her bro Adam as much as we adore her..there's no difference between the two of 'em except maybe i have Ultraman/Sin Chan/Lil Mr Bean /Firemen Sam and also future another Barbie-fan i guess...a lil warning tho, i may treat her like a princess in the future but then again, i may not..why? maybe try asking my neighbours..they ud have the answer..hahah.....

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